Organizing Your Retail Space – Pt 2
Practically speaking, talking about the importance of organizing your retail space is easy. Of course, you want a neat and organized space. But the question remains: How do you achieve a simple, accessible aesthetic that meets your teams growing needs? Let’s dig in:
Apply a Method to the Madness
Before you can dive in and make the most of your situation, you must step back and assess what lie in front of you. Take account of your inventory and develop an organization system that works for the items you keep in stock.
Once you’ve devised a system, be sure to document where items should be kept and set thresholds for least/most amount of one item you should have in stock at one time. If you anticipate a rotation in stock, account for that in your planning and document accordingly.
Building a system and documenting it allows you freedom as a business owner to focus on building your business and helping customers while your staff can confidently maintain the daily tasks that once took hours to execute.
Front and Center
As a business owner, you know what your most popular items are and how quickly you rotate stock. Make your system easy by placing your most popular items front and center in your stock room so you can maintain ease of access and quickly assess stock with little effort.
Clear the Floor
Another rule of thumb in keeping your space organized is to keep all items off the floor unless too heavy to store on shelves. An open floor automatically makes your storeroom appear bigger and makes all shelved items easier to access.
For lighter and smaller items, be sure to keep them well contained but visible to easily keep an eye on stock.
Never One and Done
Lastly, organization is never a one and done project. While the bulk of the work is done up front, organization requires regular maintenance. That’s why it’s key to develop a simple system that grows with you that you can easily maintain. If the beginning task seems too daunting to take on by yourself, call in a professional like Simple Living to help design the right system for you and your business.
Check out some of our work below: